
About RTI Act-2005

Government College for Women (Autonomous), Srikakulam aims to establish itself as a preferable campus for young women in creating and disseminating knowledge, and empower aspiring women with exclusive learning experience in Science, Arts, Commerce and other areas for the benefit of the society and welfare of mankind as a whole.
The Following Officers are designated as PIO an APIO respectively, for Government College For Women(A),Srikakulam

S.No Name Designationo Nominated As Contact No
1 Dr.K.Surya Chandra Rao Principal Appellate Authority 9849137382
2 Sri.P.Sankara Narayana Vice Principal College Public Information Officer 9492265142
3 Smt.D.Swarna Latha Sr.Assistant Asst. College Public Information Officer 9010942360